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Dec 15, 2021
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Case Studies

Eliminating frequent production losses in a Reciprocating Compressor: A Case Study on the CAT 3516J Gas Engine

Eliminating frequent production losses in a Reciprocating Compressor: A Case Study on the CAT 3516J Gas Engine
Ruzbeh Homji
Ruzbeh Homji

Eliminating frequent production losses in a Reciprocating Compressor: A Case Study on the CAT 3516J Gas Engine


A mid-sized oil and gas production company faced ongoing operational disruptions due to intermittent speed drops in a Caterpillar 3516 gas engine driving a reciprocating compressor. These speed drops reduced the compressor’s throughput, impacting production rates at the facility. The irregular nature of the issue made it difficult to detect until after production losses occurred. Multiple site visits by the equipment supplier failed to identify the root cause, leading to unresolved issues and increasing operational costs.


The company added its gas engine-driven reciprocating compressor packages into Mechademy’s Turbomechanica platform, a cloud-based predictive analytics solution specifically designed for early fault detection and diagnosis of rotating equipment. Shortly after deployment, Turbomechanica identified a speed drop event and diagnosed the problem as an engine overload. The platform used physics-based calculations to assess compressor and engine performance. The calculations showed that the predicted engine fuel usage based on reciprocating compressor horsepower demand was close to the engine’s rated capacity at high ambient temperature conditions. The diagnostics engine systematically evaluated and eliminated other conditions that could result in engine speed drops, such as fuel system issues, a leaking waste gate valve, turbocharger degradation, and inlet or exhaust system losses.​​

Based on throttle valve position and comparative data from similar engines, the platform also detected that the engine was producing 8% less power than expected. This indicated that the engine was due for an overhaul, which had not been previously identified. The platform recommended redistributing the compressor load to a nearby underutilized machine, helping to prevent further overloads and stabilize engine performance.


The Turbomechanica platform was integrated into the company’s existing systems without additional hardware or sensors. The process was completed within two weeks, with Mechademy’s team managing the setup. The company’s involvement was minimal, allowing them to start benefiting from the platform’s diagnostic and monitoring capabilities almost immediately.


With the speed drop issue diagnosed and addressed, the company restored steady flow rates at the facility. This led to better utilization of the compressor packages, contributing to increased throughput. The need for on-site visits by the equipment supplier decreased, reducing costs and downtime. The maintenance recommendations from Turbomechanica also helped prevent future issues, enabling the company to maintain consistent productivity without unexpected interruptions.